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Friday, November 4, 2011

Indian Corn with Kinders!

 We got into the November and fall mood with beautiful Indian Corn! We made these by doing finger painting dots! Each table had a container of 4 different colors of paint. By Miss Oetken controlling the ORDER and how long ("Wait for the signal to start and stop. Hold your finger in the air when you hear the signal to stop.Wait to hear the next color!") they were applying paint. With one finger,  holding it up to show they were ready (I always joke, only the nice fingers are invited to this party. No naughty fingers allowed!:) ), I could call out the color they were supposed dot onto the corn copy and make sure we weren't mixing all the colors-making sure everyone was on the same page using the correct technique. I kept telling them to "dot to dot to dot.." and demonstrated the motion. "Here's what I don't want to see,(using a blending motion back and forth). "Don't use your finger like a paint brush or it won't look like the kernels of corn we looked at. I"m looking for the dot to dot to dot to dot". I also

 encouraged students to use the same finger. "We are going in a color order where it won't hurt the color your same finger goes into next! It's ok today!" Next time, cut out the corn when dry.

For the husk to have some texture, all I did was peel back some cardboard (the top layer rips off and the middle is revealed to have some corrugated cardboard texture) and then cut them into squares to provide rubbing texture plates. Have students trace the husk template with a pencil on the brown paper. Slide the texture plate underneath the brown paper, then use the side of a brown crayon to rub on the brown paper to pick up the texture underneath! Finally cut out and glue the husk to the top of the bunch!

1 comment:

  1. OH! Here's a big tip! If you're an art teacher, I always put the name and class IN THE MIDDLE on the BACK so that way their name will be on it when they CUT it out!
