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Friday, March 2, 2012

Britto Valentine's Day themed hearts

 Oh my gosh it's been so long since I've posted and I appologize for those who actually read this thing! This is always the busy time of year and it has hit! Let's back track to around Valentine's Day. I made a fun bulliten board that said "Artists who have a HEART for ART!" who have a Valentine theme in one way or another. I showed Britto's hearts, Robert Indiana's "LOVE" large scale sculptures, Jim Dine's "4 Hearts", we made Dali's mustache Heart Valentines (previous post). Here is a post on our Britto themed hearts. We folded a heavy weight drawing 18x12 piece of paper and traced (optional of course but it's important to have a it large) a heart in each of the sections. We looked at Britto's work and noticed for his hearts that 1 section is polka dot, one section is striped, and one is solid.

We used our pencil to divide the heart into 3 sections. Then chose one section of each of the patterns. We used crayon or colored pencil. Crayon seemed to have a nice, bright, pure finish. Then the last step was to use 1/2'' plastic flat bristle brushes dipped in black acrylic to imitate that bold black outline. They look amazing! Everyone was proud!

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