Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chicago Art Institute

Here's another art trip where my friend Natalie and I reunited. We both went to college together for Art Education and missed each other dearly after student teaching. Natalie's student teaching took her to Arizona where mine stayed in Iowa. We made a pact that we would meet up in Chicago for Labor Day weekend 2010 and go on an art adventure! Our first major stop after meeting at O'Hare airport was the Art Institute Chicago where, being the art history dorks we were (I mean hello, we teach art history but darn it, we're still fun!) took humorous pictures with all the famous works/artists that we teach! It's like a reinactment of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Brace yourself, we get goofy:) Here's the pics!

Sushi directly across the street from Millenium Park sculpture garden

Millenium Park view from sushi

outside the art CIA

famous Renoir impressionist
Natalie with a famous Renoir circus girls & peaches

Renoir's signature!

Make a Joseph Cornell box! We're in the children's area...we still like to have fun!

Gustave Caillbotte "Paris Street, Rainy Day". I have this on my

Seurat's "Sunday afternoon on La Grande Jatte". This whole painting is full of different
layers of dots of paint

wow, check out all the micro min dots

giving Van Gogh a smooch

Van Gogh's Bedroom. 1 of three studies in the world of his bedroom

Natalie with Toulouse-Lautrec

Monet's Haystacks!

One of Monet's Waterlily studies

Paul Gauguin

Edward Hopper's' Nighthawks'

Alexander Calder mobile in the lobby

Jasper Johns- this gave me a great lesson plan with
fork prints with kinders learning about primary colors!

Grant Wood's "American Gothic"

Georgia O'Keefe

Georgia O'Keefe

More Georgia

Mary Cassatt

Degas' pastel drawings of dancers-striking a ballet pose

upclose with a pastel drawing of Degas

beautiful pastel Degas

Degas Dancers

Henri Moore sculpture

Natalie with Van Gogh's blue period "Man and Guitar"

Piet Mondrian


Surrealism with Rene` Margritte

Salvador Dali...he's a weirdo but so cool!

"Walking Man"

This story is hilarious. So I read in my Scholastic ART magazine
that this giant eye sculpture was in Chicago when we would arrive.
The thing is HUGE...yet Natalie and I could not find it ANYWHERE.
We kept asking people and they were like, oh and didn't know about that...we're thinking okay..um, it's huge.
FInally found it and rejoiced by taking silly pics.

Natalie with the giant Eye sculpture

Oh yes, subway adventures!

and finally Yes..THE BEAN sculpture in Millenium Park by Anish Kapore

This is my favorite pic of the trip art teachers admiring art:)

The Bean! Polished steel sculpture made to reflect the cityscape in a 360 radius! Smart!

We found Alexander Calder's famous sculpture downtown near our hotel !:)

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